Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Snapped Fresh And Good To Go!

Mawnin' Loverlies! I have another post about Ozeri products!! This product, well it is just as awesome as the others! I am very excited to share it with y'all. The product is called Ozeri INSTAVAC Green Earth Container Set, BPA Free Nesting Set With Vacuum Seal And Locking Lids. When I received this product, my heart was all giddy inside. I have so much trouble trying to keep tomatoes, fruit, veggies, etc fresh. Especially if I put them in my fridge. I read they are supposed to stay fresh longer in the fridge, but I haven't seen results yet.

I decided to try some tomatoes first with this product. All I did was put the tomatoes in the INSTAVAC tupperware, then you have to push down on the lid to push all the air out. Also make sure the little green dial is snapped down, so air doesn't come in. Then you set the dial to what date you put it in the tupperware and walah!! These tomatoes stayed fresh for a week if not a few days more. How amazing is that! That is quite amazing in my book. Normally they would only last about three days. What makes them stay fresh longer is that no air enters into the tupperware. These are great tupperware that everyone should invest in. I know as soon as I am able to I will purchase more and get rid of my old tupperware. They are on sale right now on amazon, here is a LINK to get y'all there to purchase them. ;) Trust me, I don't have any complaints about them and I doubt y'all will. Ta Ta For Now!

[ Sponsored Post Brought To You By Ozeri ]

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Enter Into The Fae World

Mawnin' Loverlies! As I have been reading more, I realize how much I miss it. When I was younger it seemed like I would read every hour of the day. Sadly as I've gotten older I haven't done much of reading anymore. Well these past few months I have been forcing myself to get back into reading. It is good for the mind!! :) I have found a new book I LOVE and will have to finish the whole series of course. This book is called The Iron King written by Julie Kagawa. I didn't know what this book was about when I started it. I don't like reading the synopsis a lot of times. I just go by the title and the book cover and read it from that judgement. There are a few times I have read the synopsis. I just don't like anything given away. I'm weird like that. lol

The Iron King is actually aboue Fae!! (Makes me ready for Lost Girl to start up again) Basically you have this girl named Meghan Chase and her friend Robbie. She's not a very popular girl, she even believes everyone just forgets she exists most of the time. Her half brother, Ethan, gets kidnapped to the fae world. That is where she learns that the Summer King Oberon is her father and that she is half Fae, half human. Robbie, who is actually Robin GoodFellow from a Midnight Summers Dream, takes her to the Fae world so she can find Ethan. On the way she runs into the Winter Prince Ash, who just wants to kill her, but yet she has feelings for him. You have Brownies, Satyrs, Goblins, etc in these adventures that she is stuck in. Also the one thing that hurts Fae is Iron. It doesn't hurt Meghan because she is a half breed, it also doesn't hurt the Iron King (of course). He is made of iron and technology items. The Fae are alive because humans believe in them. The Iron King actually came alive when technology started to grow. So their mission is to get Ethan back and get rid of The Iron King, before he destroys NeverNever. NeverNever is what the Fae world is called.

I love this book with it's forbidden romance and adventures with the Fae! It was a very exciting book and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book to read more of the story!! If you like stores about Fae and mythical creatures, I suggest this be one of your reads! Ta Ta For Now!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Get Your Travel Boots On!

Afternoon Loverlies! A few months ago I was looking at a blog named Vintage Sunshine and noticed there was a giveaway to enter. The item that was being given away were these teen books called Travels With Gannon And Wyatt. They seemed interesting so I tried my luck at winning. I was quite lucky, because there wasn't many entered in the giveaway. I figured these books would be a neat gift. The only issue is who do I know that has children that would read these. lol!

These books are very interesting. The first is their travels to Botswana, Second is The Great Bear Rainforest, and third is Egypt. The travels to Egypt comes out in January. These books actually tell you a little about the history and information about where they are traveling.  Gannon and Wyatt somehow in each book get a chance to travel to these places, either to help with discovering ancient tombs, or just trying to witness a Spirit Bear.

These stories are based on real life twins that traveled when they were teenagers. Of course they added more danger to their events then what really happened, otherwise it might not have been much of a book. lol The book is written like journal entries. You will notice Wyatt is the science nerd out of the two. In his entries he makes sure to put the temperature, date, time, and coordinates where they are, etc. Gannon a lot of times will put nothing or just write a guesstimate of what time it is. These books had a few graphic areas. For example, in the travels to Botswana there is an area where they described how the snake they were about to eat was being gutted. But that's really about as graphic as these books get.

With this giveaway I also recieved two small bracelets, a pen, and a dvd on Botswana. I thought that was very neat. :) I really enjoyed reading these books I will admit. I just may have to keep reading them, if they come out with more books.  Maybe it will come to me sooner or later whose children I can give these too. ;) Have a Merry Christmas y'all!!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Follow Your Arrow

Mawnin' Loverlies! Today is cold this Christmas Eve!! YAY!!! I'm love cold weather, because I love wearing sweaters and being snuggly drinking hot cocoa. NOMS! I shall get me some later. Onto the subject of the day....

My friend Johnathan , I call him Jayla, introduced me to this country singer named Kacey Musgraves. She has videos on Vevo/youtube but I haven't seen her cd yet in the stores. I love her music though, she makes a lot of good points in her lyrics. One of the songs I like is called Follow Your Arrow.

Here are some of the lyrics of Kacey Musgraves Follow Your Arrow:

VS1: If you save yourself for marriage You're a bore If you don't save yourself for marriage You're a whore-able person If you won't have a drink Then you're a prude But they'll call you a drunk As soon as you down the first one

Chorus: Make lots of noise Kiss lots of boys Or kiss lots of girls If that's something you're into When the straight and narrow Gets a little too straight Roll up a joint, or don't Just follow your arrow Wherever it points, yeah Follow your arrow Wherever it points

(You will have to click my Youtube link to listen to the rest! :))

It's basically about whatever you do, do it because it makes you happy. Don't follow after others, but go your own path. The song also states who cares if someone judges you or gives you weird looks for doing what you enjoy. You cannot make everyone happy. So why try? Because that just leads to your own misery. Something I need to remind myself always. I have always been a people pleaser. I like making others happy, but it is very difficult. I just need to listen to this daily, so I can focus just on making myself happy. (Well and my hubby also, I'm not happy if he's not happy.) And not worry about others as much as I have been. Because it's a lost worry, and it brings unneeded stress in my life. I will post the video at the end of this blog post for y'all to watch. :) Ta Ta For Now!

I decided to make a chalkboard print to go with this song/post!! :D (Psst.... Grab it if you want!!)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Learn MORE About ME Monday! - 6

Afternoon Loverlies!! Well yesterday I went to my Mother in laws house. My anxiety wasn't too extreme. YAY!! I had a good time also!! :) So glad, that helped my Christmas spirit a bit. I have one more Christmas to go to. I can't wait either!! It's gonna be breakfast foods!!! Example: Chocolate gravy and biscuits!!! I forgot what the other choices are, but I like them. ;) Today I feel a bit down in the dumps it just hit me a minute ago. ARGH!!! *shakes fist at her brain* GET IT TOGETHER, I MEAN, COME ON NOW!! Therefore I am writing a blog post, reading a book, and finding active stuff to distract myself from these sad thoughts/feelings. I think I can do it. Today is Learn MORE About ME Monday!

1.) Here's another odd thing you may not know, I used to put cool whip on sandwich bread and eat it.

2.) I think Paramore is easy to listen to and fall in love with all their songs. Because of Hayleys' voice, it is just simple, smooth, and different. I love it! I love all types of music. I'm not that fond of techno, screamo, electro (I think that's how you say it), some rap. Yep.

3.) I wish I could paint. That is one creative thing I don't have, also craft making, sewing, crocheting, you name it. I can make some things, but a lot of items I see it perfectly made in my head. Then I attempt to create it and it comes out like a wad of poop.

4.) My memory is horrible. I even forget my birthday and age sometimes. One of the reasons why I wanted Codey and I to get married on New Years Eve, was to make it easy for us to remember. Another reason is I have never done anything special on New Years Eve. So I wanted to make it a special day, and we did. :D

5.) I have always wondered if I would look good with pale/Ice blond hair. I am too scared to try it though. lol Maybe someday I will attempt it.

6.) Abba, a lot of times, makes me happy. :D It just is an easy mood lifter most the time. Makes me feel so happy all over. Also Hey Jude, I love that song.

Mine and my Sissys' Bunheads!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Distracted Are We?

Evening Loverlies!! Not much to talk about today on ze blog. I know I am ready for Christmases to be over kinda. Maybe next year will be better eh? I think I am just anxious, cuz I will have to be away from my house whilst visiting some family. I get anxious away from my house. I also get anxious, because I hope folks like my gifts!! Soon I shall have some reviews for y'all. One of these books I won from a giveway, the other review will be of some loverly tupperware. lol :) I am excited to try out these tupperware to see if they work. WEEEE!!

I have been trying to get through these books. I just get so distracted with other things. Shame, Shame. So many books to read, so many distractions to keep me from them. I guess that's life eh? lol There is another cool app I wanted to share with y'all before I go. It is called Dramatic Black & White. So cool. So many different filters and such you can mess with to give to your black and white photo. The picture I took was whilst riding in the car one day coming back from Batesville. :) Turned out pretty decent for a picture taken while we are moving. Early Merry Christmas Y'all!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Shiver, Put On A Coat!

Happy Noon Loverlies!! I have finally finished Shiver by Maggie Steifvater. I wasn't for sure about this book when I started reading it. Well I guess I can say that about most books I read. LoL This is basically about werewolves. It starts out with this girl named Grace who was bitten by some wolves when she was younger. There is one wolf named Sam who saves her while she was getting attacked. He gets the other wolves off of her and then changes form to carry her to her back porch. Her parents find her and are able to take her to the hospital. Normally when you are bitten, you become a werewolf, but Grace doesn't.

These werewolves are different then what you normally see or read about. They can only be human during the summer or if they can keep themselves in a really warm environment. That still isn't full proof for keeping them from changing though. These wolves change to their form in winter and normally stay in wolf form till it starts to get warmer. Changing is very painful for them, Kinda like in that TV series Being Human. It's that painful. Oh the american version I recommend watching, not the UK version. Sadly the UK version is a bit cheesy.

Back to the book, these werewolves they only have so many years to change from wolf back to human. When it's their final year they stay in wolf form for the rest of their life. Sam and Grace basically fight to stay together during the whole book, by trying to keep him as warm as possible. Pretty decent love story if you are up for it. There were some on the edge of your seat areas of the book. I will admit I got kinda bored when I got to the middle of the book. But luckily I forced myself to keep reading, and I am glad I did. I am willing to attempt the second book! I will let y'all know if it is worth reading the rest of the story. lol 
 Ta Ta For Now!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Learn MORE About ME Monday! -5

Afternoon loverlies!! Another loverly round of Learn MORE About ME Monday!!! Hope everyone is doing fine this Monday!! Isn't it weird how next WEEK is CHRISTMAS???!!!??? Yuck!! It came too soon. Argh. Been kinda down feeling more this Christmas. I hate that!! I'm usually like ALKJFLDJLFJS CHRISTMAS!! But this year it's a tad depressing. I've been trying to think of things maybe my hubby and I could do just to make it better, but not much you can do when your money is tight. But that's life eh? Gotta think about his school and hopefully it will be better. ;) I really wanted to make some fancy Christmas cookies, but there's always next year right? :D anyways, on with the subject for today!!

1.) I'm very superstitious about certain things. One thing is i'm scared to admit out loud that this has never happened to me or that has never happened to me. Because I feel if I state it, it will happen and I don't want that.

2.) I love huskies!!

3.) Well I love animals in general. If I could I would work at a job that had animals or took care of the. It's hard for me to work period, because of my anxiety.

4.) I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. For example: Food. If the food doesn't turn out right or I can't get the same amount of items in a taco, burrito, or right portions on each plate I get anxious. So anxious I have to take a step back and calm down before I have an anxiety attack. Usually my wonderful husband takes over and makes everything perfect. :) My husband, he may not be a hero like in movies or fairy tales where the evil vampire/creature comes and takes me away, and has to save me. (because, that's just made up.) But he is a hero in my eyes, because he saves me by fixing the situation that I'm normally freaking out about.

5.) Whenever I walk anywhere, I walk fast. I don't know how to not walk fast. We had a mile long driveway when I was younger living at my step dad's. So every day the school bus would drop my brother and I off, and we would have to walk down that driveway. :P My brother is tall, So I would have to walk fast to keep up with him. Also, at school we only had 5 minutes to make it to a class in a crowded hallway. So I basically had to power walk at school. But now even when I try to walk slow to be in step with my husband, it's really hard. I just walk too fast. lol

6.) I majored in Music - Vocal Performance at Central Baptist College in Conway, Arkansas. I only was able to finish three years sadly. Money will get ya. lol I miss my vocal lessons and I desperately miss performing!! I have had friends tell me when I sing, I am like a totally different person. I understand what they mean. When I sing, I just feel like I can do anything and I can be anything. I am in my own world and I love that world.

There you have it!! Leave me some loverly comments below with facts about yourself!! I always want to learn about y'all!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Scriptures And Painting Galore!!!

Evening Loverlies!! I decided to share a few more loverly apps that I have on my iphone with y'all. I think these are very neat to be honest. lol The first app is called Word - a christian daily bible devotion. It is basically as it says. It gives you a picture with scripture or inspirational words on it. Most the pictures are very pretty, and are awesome for a background for my phone!! Above the picture it will show some scripture you can look up in your bible. I actually LOVE this app!! The downside of this app is, I am on a 31 day free trial. After that I would have to subscribe to receive more. I sadly don't have the money for that. lol But I will enjoy the free ones I received during my free trial though!!

I wanted to post one of the scriptures of my fave pictures in this app. The scripture is 2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV and states "And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." I am not the best with interpreting scripture. But when I go to the NIV version to get a better understanding of this scripture. I believe it is stating that troubles will come our way, but we must rely on God that he can help get us out of these troubles. And that he can help us because he is strong and powerful and we are weak. We must lay all our issues on him and have faith, that he will get us through those storms that we are going through. I am going through that right now with my hubby and him trying to get through school. It is so pricey!! But we must not let it get us down and try to stay positive. We must give it to the Lord and pray about it. ;) Anyways, I wanted to show y'all the pictures that I have received from this app so far.

The next app is called Emulsion Paint. I love this app you just paint whatever you want, then you hit duplicate as many times as you want to save it. That way you can have as many copies to mess around with the photo. Then exit out of that area where you paint, and hit effects and mess around with that FUN SHTUFF!! lol I have some I messed around with I wanted to show y'all. I shall be doing this more though. WEEEEE!!! I can't remember if this is free or not, but if you enjoy painting and such I recommend it. ;) Ta Ta For Now!!

                                (The First Picture, I also used an effect from Pixlromatic.)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Are You A Stargirl??

Mawnin' Loverlies!! Stargirl, when I first started reading this book, I thought it would be a teeny bopper kinda book. I hope that makes sense. lol. But Jerry Spinelli did a decent job not writing book like that. This book is about a girl named Stargirl, that moves to Mica High School in Arizona. It is basically told by a guy named Leo. Which was odd for me at first, I'm not used to reading a book that the story is told by a guy. Interesting changed!! I probably should read more books eh?

Stargirl is an odd one. She's very weird and unique. She is also very nice. She likes to make everyone happy and her niceness is extremely contagious. I of course felt a connection to her character, because of how weird/unique she is. This book is actually a very decent read and kid friendly. I believe it makes you think about who you believe is more important in your life. And what happens if you decide not to hang out with that one person, you miss out. I recommend to give this book a try. I know I am going to to try to find the second book, just to see where it goes. :) Ta Ta For Now!!

Library Book What What!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Imma Try To Draw!

Afternoon Loverlies!! I wanted to share this neat little app I found at the app store on my IPhone. It is called PaigeeWorld. It is basically a community of anime/manga type drawers. You basically make a profile and just go look at other folks drawings, or you can post your own drawings. It has Paigee points you earn by submitting drawings I believe. Or earning paigee pins by entering contests or connecting to facebook. I believe that's another way to unlock paigee points. When you earn these points, you can use them to unlock tutorials on how to draw certain characters etc. Very COOL!! I'm still learning the ropes of this app. lol But I think it is very interesting to at least try!!

I decided to try to draw some myself. Don't laugh. lol The first two pictures I just saw what someone drew and just tried to draw it myself. The last picture I just kinda did the same but mixed stuff. lOl Hey I gotta start somewhere. Maybe I will get the hang of it so I can get better at  drawing some more. Anyways, All I am saying is TRY IT!!! YAY!!! :D Ta Ta For Now!!!

Didn't mean to make her yellow!! LOL oops


Yep I'm not the best. LOL 

Monday, December 09, 2013

Learn MORE About ME Monday! - 4

Afternoon Loverlies! Sorry this post is later. But it is Learn MORE About ME Monday!! WEEEEE!! This whole weekend as been so icy, but so far we are doing pretty well at getting around. Hope everyone else is doing fine, with this weather. On to what this post is about!!

1.) I have a weird obsession with pajamas. I just feel I have to get new pajamas every time I go out to shop. lol Specially if they are Disney, owls, or Christmas.

2.) The only sushi I can eat are California Rolls and Philadelphia rolls. I haven't really tried anything else, because i'm not a raw fish fan. The Philadelphia rolls taste good but the texture bothers me sometimes. It is made with smoked salmon. I just don't like how it can taste slimy sometimes. lol The only fish I really like eating are salmon, tilapia, tuna (in a can), or catfish.

3.) I can't eat shrimp. I have always been semi allergic to it. A few years ago I tried it twice, each time I got sick with a sinus infection or strep throat. So I just stopped eating it all together. Really stinks though, because I miss coconut shrimp.

4.) I really don't like wasting food. But for some reason whenever there are leftovers, I cannot bring myself to eat them a lot of times. I even get nauseous thinking about eating leftovers. Makes me sad. :P

5.) I am bored and distracted real easily.
6.) I like waffles better then pancakes. I think because waffles can be crispy. I especially think waffle cones for ice cream are better then regular ice cream cones.

As I say always. I would love for y'all to comment. I love to get to know my readers also. ;) Ta Ta For Now!

Hey Y'all! I'm on a CAMEL!!
Not my most fondest picture of me, hair up cuz it was hot, and meh at shorts. lol But I was excited to ride that camel!!
Next mission is to ride an Elephant!!

Friday, December 06, 2013


Afternoon Loverlies! Nothing much on this cold icy day!! lol We finally got that ice storm the weather man kept talking about. I think we are supposed to get even more this weekend. Crazy,Crazy! ;) So today codey and I just played some LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. I love the Lego games, they are very fun. Especially, The Lord Of The Rings Lego game. They have some funny little humor in these games also. So much fun! WEEEE!!



Sadly, I will admit, I have been playing WOW (World Of Warcraft) a lot lately. My hubby seems to enjoy it, and I like when he's happy. It's a great game we can play together. I also play WOW with a friend of mine, David. My favorite characters so far are my worgen named Cynderellaa, night elf named ursulah, and my blood elf named Maliificent. As you can tell, I love Disney. I had to name my characters those names. lol Some other games I enjoy are Star Wars The Old Republic, Alice Madness Returns, and Kingdom Hearts. A lot of times you have to watch out while playing these games. They are very easy at sucking up your time. It is always healthy to set time limits to playing games. Or you will just play your life away. Which is not good. :(

Sorry for a short blog today, just though I would share this little bit of information on games I play. I would like to know what games y'all enjoy playing. Just leave a loverly comment below. ;) Ta Ta For Now!!


David and I playing. I'm  the girl of course. LOL 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Is Your Pressure High?

Mawnin' Loverlies! Ozeri CardioTech Pro Series Digital Blood Pressure Monitor. That's really all I have to say, but I will say more. ;) I am always excited when I get Ozeri products, we all know this. lol This blood pressure monitor comes in a cute little compact case. It was also very easy to fit on the wrist. Guess what the most awesome part of this Blood Pressure monitor is. Can you not guess it? no? It has a BRITISH voice!!!! lol It is a British woman. How awesome is that? I just love their accents. 

Here is what is written on the box: 

* Portable, accurate and simple-to-use
* Wrist cuff design with clnically proven technology
* New intelligent voice-guided feature alerts you to the proper positioning of your wrist for accurate blood pressure measurements
* Stores 180 blood pressure readings (90 x 2 users)
* Automatically provides an audible hypertension assessment via a new talking function (as well as a display on the LCD screen)
* Push-button access to average blood pressure calculations

Very neat eh? When I put this on it did take me a second to get my arm to the perfect height. I guess i'm a bit ditzy, but my husband put it on and he got his arm at perfect height first time. He should though he's a nurse. lol Once I got my arm to the perfect height, it pumped up like a normal blood pressure cuff. Yes, it was tight. ;) It was very cool though, having a British woman speak to me about my blood pressure. After it is done reading my blood pressure. The voice states if the pressure is higher or lower then what it should be. Of course it states what your heart rate is. This device came with 2 AAA batteries and also states it has a 5 year warranty. When you purchase it, make sure you read the little instruction book. Of course I didn't at first because I was so anxious to use it. But now that I read it I understand how to tell if you have hypertension, and what the screen reads. I don't really have any cons for this device, only that when you put it in the container sometimes it turns on the machine. That can get a little bit annoying, Oh well, it's an easy fix. lol  To purchase your own Ozeri Digital Blood Pressure Monitor click this link. Ta Ta For Now! 

The container for it.

[ Sponsored blog post brought to you by Ozeri ]

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Six Impossible Things

Afternoon loverlies! Hope all is fine in the world y'all are in. ;) I don't really have much to say on this Wednesday. Except for how crazy the weather can be in Arkansas. LOL It is 70 degrees today, but tomorrow it will be in the 40's. Then come this weekend we should be getting an ice storm. Yep, it starts. lol Oh well. I just pray and hope it won't be too extreme, and that everyone will be safe on the roads.

I found out something awesome. I guess i'm just behind, because i'm sure other folks already figured it out. lol But I made some chalkboard prints!! YAY!!! How fun. You can either find chalkboard backgrounds on Picmonkey, or just Google chalkboard background. I can't afford Photoshop so I use Gimp to make my little prints. What I do is just Google for free fonts to use that you can download into Gimp. I also go to Deviantart to find paintbrushes, which you can also download into Gimp to use. Very simple.

I decided to use this quote from Alice In Wonderland. I love that movie. I'm ashamed to admit never fully read the book, even though I do have it. lol I will get around to it soon. I promise myself I will. This quote stating she is believing as many as six impossible things seems very interesting to me. I believe in the bible and when I think about the stories in it, really there is nothing impossible right? So many impossible things actually happened that became possible. Especially if you have God in your life to be by your side and help you. Then nothing should be impossible. So maybe use this quote as, yes, let's think of six impossible things before breakfast (or really anytime lol), but make those impossible things turn into Possible things. WEEEEE!!! I'm sure it will be hard, but it would be a positive challenge for myself. Anyways, that's what I see when I see this quote. Also and how weird she is. I think that is one reason why I love Alice In Wonderland, because of how weird the story is. I relate very well to weirdness. Can't help it that's just how God made me!! It's taking me quite a while, but i'm slowly accepting my weirdness. I may get stares, but it makes me happy being myself. As it should for anyone being themselves. Ta Ta For Now!!

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Feelin' Gawgeous This Holiday!

Mawnin' Loverlies!! I had a chance to try out the new Studio Gear Holiday Smokey Eye Palette. It has eyeshadows called frost, platinum, coal, and glimmer. It also comes with a lovely shade of blush called snowy glow. I like what they named that blush. lol Makes me think ooooooo pretty!

This palette is small enough you can tote it around if you need to make any reapplications. :) I believe that's one of the awesome parts about it, other then the colors are gorgeous. I didn't do my makeup exactly like how the palette instructs. I did my normal routine by putting the frost on the top lid, platinum on the bottom lid, with a bit of coal on the sides of my lids.
I love these colors for blue eyes, they just seem to make them pop! :) I will have to say one con, and it's not a big con either. I have allergy issues and I don't believe these are hypoallergenic. My eyes get watery sometimes and will ruin my eye shadow. Luckily my eyes weren't as watery with this palette as some other brands I have used in the past. I will admit though I loved how these eyeshadows looked on my eyes. I will admit I will purchase more from this brand, Because the palette is cute and is very easy to handle and apply. Yes, I must say it again, also because of the gorgeous colors. If you would like to purchase your own Studio Gear Holiday Smokey Eye Palette, click this link. One more thing I need to mention is my readers get a 10% discount off your entire order!! You only need to enter this code SGHOLIDAY. The code is also for any purchase on the site. Ta Ta For Now!!

The case

The palette. ;)

The palette opened. lol 

This is I believe after four or five hours of putting the makeup on. Not too bad eh?? 

This is at the end of the day. Not too bad its still on pretty decent. :D
I do notice the coal is off. but I didn't put that much to begin with I think. I didn't want it to be really dark eyes. lol
I decided not to do any reapplications. But I will know next time to reapply. I also deal with a bit of oily skin at times.

[ Sponsored blog post brought to you by studio gear and BrandBacker ]

Monday, December 02, 2013

Learn MORE About ME Mondays! - 3

Mawnin' Loverlies!! Yesh It is yet again Learn MORE about ME Mondays!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! I believe mine was wonderful. ;) My anxiety was acting up a bit worse during the week/weekend. Possibly because I cooked something for both Thanksgivings I went to. Sometimes I think I get anxious if it's not perfect. Well that mixed with other things, like being away from my home for a bit. Etc. But I got through it so YAY!! I am so nervous this year with Christmas. I guess, because of trying to figure out if we have enough to get certain presents. Ya know your normal Christmas time worries. lol. I am trying my best though to not let it get me down and depressed. It is very easy for my moods to drop. But I just have to have faith that everything will turn out fine. And Pray. Pray a lot.
Alrighty on to my list!!

1.) When I get really anxious, I will almost always chew my fingernails, to where they are short. I  never notice I even do it also. I've been pretty good at not doing it lately so far. :D So YAY!! I don't know if any of y'all do it? But it was always weird one day nails, the next day so short.

2.) I know I always remember stuff when I was younger. lol But I used to dip bread in kool-aid, soda, any type of drink and eat it. I remember red Kool-aid being my favorite though. Very weird that I did that. But I thought it tasted awesome.

3.) Another thing with bread, is I would have my daddy break up some bread for me and put it in a bowl on the ground. Also milk in a bowl on the ground. I always wanted to see what it was like for a cat to eat. lol

4.) When I lived at my step fathers house. Our Christmas tree was a Cedar tree we would cut down in our own yard. His house is kinda on a mountain. So we had plenty. His house was also huge so we  never really had to trim it. When we did trim it it was only m a few inches or maybe one foot off. It was the most beautiful Christmas tree ever!! My favorite part is the Christmas tree. I would always play with my dolls and with certain ornaments on the tree when I was younger.

5.) My family and I would always watch Willow every Christmas. ;)

6.) My mother put me in pageants when I was younger. But I wasn't that fond of them because I was very shy. lol She also had my brother Ricky do pageants. I can't remember if Rocky was in them or not though. I still have the VHS of my brother singing Yankee Doodle Dandy with his ventriloquist dummy. He would be very upset if I showed that to anyone. *evil Laugh* I won't though.

Alrighty. As I always say I would really love to hear More About Y'all in the comments. lol Or even if any of y'all did the same weird things I did. I'm such a weirdo. LOL Ta Ta For Now!!