Afternoon Loverlies!
Nothing much on this cold icy day!! lol We finally got that ice storm the weather man kept talking about. I think we are supposed to get even more this weekend. Crazy,Crazy! ;) So today codey and I just played some LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. I love the Lego games, they are very fun. Especially, The Lord Of The Rings Lego game. They have some funny little humor in these games also. So much fun! WEEEE!!
Sadly, I will admit, I have been playing WOW (World Of Warcraft) a lot lately. My hubby seems to enjoy it, and I like when he's happy. It's a great game we can play together. I also play WOW with a friend of mine, David. My favorite characters so far are my worgen named Cynderellaa, night elf named ursulah, and my blood elf named Maliificent. As you can tell, I love Disney. I had to name my characters those names. lol Some other games I enjoy are Star Wars The Old Republic, Alice Madness Returns, and Kingdom Hearts. A lot of times you have to watch out while playing these games. They are very easy at sucking up your time. It is always healthy to set time limits to playing games. Or you will just play your life away. Which is not good. :(
Sorry for a short blog today, just though I would share this little bit of information on games I play. I would like to know what games y'all enjoy playing. Just leave a loverly comment below. ;)
Ta Ta For Now!!
Maliificent |
Ursulah |
David and I playing. I'm the girl of course. LOL |
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