Friday, November 29, 2013

Skillet Love My Food

Hello there Loverlies!! I am very excited about this Green Earth 8" Pan skillet by Ozeri I got to try out. This skillet was very easy to use, also very easy to clean. Every person who cooks/washes dishes' dream!! I decided to make an egg, ham, and cheese toasted sandwich from the left over ham that my hubby made for us Thursday. NOMS!! It was delicious. I was so happy how the eggs did not stick on the skillet like they have in the past on other skillets I have used. I am seriously lovin' it too much. lol 

I wanted to share the info it states on the box so y'all can see how awesome it is!! 

* No harmful heavy metals or chemicals.
* Superior non-stick performance. (agreed) 
* Durable scratch-resistant ceramic, as found in nature. 
* Comfortable silicon coated handle. 
* Completely eco-friendly (ceramic coating emits no harmful fumes). 
* Induction stove safe. 

This skillet has Greblon ceramic coating from Germany. It states it is 100% free of PTFE and PFOA. Those letters basically stand for the stuff that's bad for your health. ;) I am very excited to use this skillet more often though. I know I will definitely start investing in these skillets. I recommend them. How can you not resist this pretty bubbly looking texture?? You can't. If you would like to see where to purchase this brand of skillet click this link. ;) Enjoy my pictures and Ta Ta For Now!!

Bubbley Texture Goodness

Don't Scrape me!!


Hey!! It's HAM!! 

End Result. You hardly have to wash it!!

[ Sponsored blog post brought to you by Ozeri and business2blogger ]

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fudge?? Anyone??

Evening Loverlies!! Last Saturday I decided to make some Peanut Butter Fudge. Well, at least attempt it. Sadly I did not know about how you have to boil it for a certain amount of time. That way it gets kinda candied or what not? I thought it would be simple to make, like any other recipe. The recipe I used is a Taste Of Home recipe and it did not explain that it has to boil for that certain perfect amount of time. It only told me to boil for 3 minutes. Actually I don't know if I did for 3 minutes exactly. Oops.....

I let it set in the fridge but it was still soft Sunday morning. So I put it in the freezer for an hour. It still didn't set right. It was very soft and hard to cut sadly. It looked very messy, but I at least had squares, even if they were soft. My family ate the fudge though!! They even said it tasted good!! YAY!! Which made me happy. I am glad it at least tasted good. lol But I have sad news for y'all, I forgot to snap a picture of it while it was squares. The end picture I have of my fudge is in a zip-locked bag and they got squished together. *FacePalms* At least I can say I got a picture of the end project. Right? HA! Oh well. I plan on taking photos of the dessert I will attempt to make for this Saturday. Meanwhile, I shall post this recipe I used for the Peanut Butter Fudge. Enjoy!! Ta Ta For Now!!

2 cups of sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1-1/3 cups of peanut butter, 1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow creme

1.) In a saucepan, bring sugar and milk to a boil; boil for 3 minutes. add peanut butter and marshmallow creme; mix well. Quickly pour into a buttered 8-in square pan; chill until set. cut into squares. 

 ( I put  wax paper into my square pan instead of butter, it seemed to come out pretty easy. Also the servings it stated on the website were not accurate for me. Here is a link to the recipe so you can see it on the website if you want.)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You Gotta Weigh Your Cat Sometimes

Mawnin' Loverlies!! I had the exciting chance to try out the Ozeri Rev Digital Bath Scale with Electro-Mechanical Dial. This scale is very light weight and very easy to use. You either have a dial if you like the old fashioned style weight scales, or if you are like me, there is also the beautiful digital screen. The numbers on the dial and digital are quite big. Very easy to see. Which is perfect for us folks with nearsightedness. This scale came with three AAA batteries, that were very easy to put in. It also only turns on when you put your weight on it.

I decided to take a picture of my cat Zealand on the weight scale. Because I sure ain't gonna show y'all my weight, at least not until I lose some weight. lol Which I am working on!! That's one reason I screamed with excitement when I got this weight scale from Ozeri. Because now I can look to see if I am making any progress. Anyone needs that if they are trying to work out and lose weight, right? ;) Well my cat weighs 19.2 Lbs. Yep My kitty is kinda chunky. lol I can't put him on diet food either, because he has to be on certain food for his bladder sadly. I love him so much. :D

The only con I would say for this weight scale is that the top layer is glass. That makes me nervous because I am so clumsy. I am worried I will slip and just drop the scale on the floor then boom. No more weight scale. lol So I have to be very cautious about it. I recommend this scale though, Because of how lightweight and simple it is to use. Enjoy my pictures of me weighing my cat. lol Also if you would like to see other weight scales from Ozeri click on this link. Ta Ta For Now!!


Yep. This is where Zealand said screw it I'm just going to lay down on this scale. lol I wonder what he really was thinking in his kitty Cat brain. I love him so much!! 

[ Sponsored blog post brought to you by Ozeri and business2blogger]

Monday, November 25, 2013

Learn MORE About Me MONDAY!! - 2

Afternoon Loverlies!! Today is Learn MORE About Me MONDAY!! yay!!! First off, yesterday we went to my Father in laws house for an early Thanksgiving. :D There were a lot of people there i've never met before. Sadly I didn't get many pictures. I got really anxious. lol Silly. Yep. But I got a picture of me and my hubby and I shall post that onto today's post. :D

1.) When I was 9 years old, one of the best movies that came out was The Nightmare Before Christmas. Sadly I remember that as one of the last things I got for Christmas from my mom. I love this movie!! I love the music and everything. lol. Well, for some odd reason, I had a crush on Jack Skellington. Yes, i'm a bit coo coo? oh well. What's even more odd I had a crush on Michaelangelo, off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, when I was like 4 I think? lol

2.) I love to sing!! It is hard to get me to be quiet when i'm just in that singing mood. lol I do it absentmindedly. Also, it is very hard for me to sing quietly. I just belt it, even when i'm thinking i'm singing quietly.

3.) The Les Miserables soundtrack gives me goosebumps!!! Especially the Castle On A Cloud song.

4.) When I was around age nine. Somehow I would get away with watching Stephen King movies and other scary movies. I would watch them by myself, without any issues. Now if I watch movies like that, I get really spooked and freak out.

5.) I once watched Moulin Rouge every day for almost a year straight.

6.) When I was in college. I went to Central Baptist College in conway, ar. We had every Christmas, something called Madrigal Dinner. It was where we had to dress up in petticoats and sing old colonial style music. lol something like that. Also it was a way to raise money for our trips we went on. Every spring we would go on choir tour in a certain state. Where we would sing at churches and schools. One of the songs were The Rose Of Sharon. These songs we had to sing acapella. It was fun though!! I really do miss performing.

My dress I had to wear. lol I loved the petticoat though was fun!! 

Alrighty, well there is more info about me and my weird ways. Hope y'all enjoyed it!! Again I still would like comments with info about y'all. Whoever reads this!! :D Ta Ta For Now!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Be Fearless?

Afternoon Loverlies!! I have finally finished reading Fearless by Francine Pascal. This is a Young Adult book. A lot of the Young Adult books I have noticed have "gettin' it on Scenes" in them. lol This book did have one quick scene, but that was it. Maybe i'm just old fashioned. But if I had a teenager I don't believe I would allow them to read these Young Adult books they have out nowadays. Maybe that would make me a bit controlling? Is that the word? Oh well. Onto this book.

I actually enjoyed this book, considering there were no witches or vampires. It is about this girl who is in high school named Gaia Moore. She grew up with a loving father and mother. Her father would teach her different types of martial arts and fighting skills. He also taught her how to shoot guns. Basically how to protect herself. When she was a teenager her mother died and her father left short after that. She then had to live with different foster parents. She finally ended up with an old friend of her fathers named George who was in the CIA and his wife Ella. (I think I remembered that right. HA!). Gaia wasn't fond of Ella. Anyways, Gaia is missing the emotion of Fear. Get it? The book is called Fearless. ;) That's all i'm giving out!! I don't want to give away all of the goodies. This book is full of adventure, fighting, and suspense. If that's what y'all love reading. Then I say, give it a go. I found it to be a very easy read. I now have to get the next book and see what happens! Here I come Library...

I would be interested to see what books y'all enjoy reading. So leave me a Loverly comment below please. :) Ta Ta For Now!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Just Messin' With My Avatar...

Mawnin' Loverlies!! I finally got one of my items I am going to do a product review on!! I donno if y'all are that interested in it, I hope y'all are. But I am just EXCITED about it. LOL I just need my husband's help on getting the pictures taken. The "subjects" that I am going to take a picture with the product will not stay still for me. LOL. So keep an eye out for it.

I am also going to attempt my first book review for y'all. I have been reading a certain book lately, that I received from the library. I actually like this book so far!! YAY!! It is quite an interesting read. That is all I am saying for now though. I have been trying to stay off the computer so much and just read. Well, that excludes blogging and reading blogs. But by staying off the computer I am meaning Second Life. Second Life is addicting. I just love getting on there, making lindens, and spending my lindens on clothes for my avatar. I also enjoy taking pictures of my avatar. Since I am not able to get out and do much in RL (oh yeah Rl = Real Life). I try to, but a lot of times it's only the weekends we have time to go and do something. We only have one car and even if we had another. I haven't driven in a year because of my anxiety. I think I could drive if I needed to, I just need to learn my way around where I live at now. But come Sunday I might have more pictures taken for y'all!! :)

Anyways Second Life is great for folks who are not able to get out and have a RL. Some of the people on SL even make RL money, by owning stores or clubs, etc. Very interesting eh? You also have to realized when you start SL there are a bunch of crazies on there also. It's just like RL but only in a virtual world. If you think about joining, just be careful like how you are on all other websites. Anyways I thought I would share with y'all some of my favorite pictures of my avatar in SL. Enjoy!!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Yep I was a vampire for halloween.  Not very original. LOL but I loved the dress, so this happened. lol

Monday, November 18, 2013

Learn MORE About Me MONDAY!

What is wrong with me? lol  This was in 2007, My husband and I just moved here so we didn't have the frame yet for the bed.  I decided to ask him to take a picture of me jumping on the bed.  Yep, welcome to my world!!
Also my arms hyper extend?  I think that's what you call it.

Mawnin' Loverlies!! Let's make today's post about Learn MORE about me MONDAY!! yay!! I will just tell y'all some random things about me. How interesting this is going to be?? Well I am weird, so I think it will be interesting. lol

1.) When I was younger around the age 4 or 5. ( I always seem to remember stuff around this age alot. lol) I had an OCD issue I guess you can call it, where I had to flare my nose until it just felt right. It didn't have to be any certain number, just when it felt like it was just right. I know weird. lol I also did that with blinking and popping my ears by opening my jaw. I just had to do it. I am so happy that I don't do it anymore.

2.) When my hubby and I first got married, he loved to surprise me by rearranging the living room when I got home from work. Well I don't like when things are changed without me preparing for it or if stuff is not put properly the way I see it. So I freak out with anxiety attacks. My hubby doesn't change the living room anymore without my help. Thankfully. lol

3.) I have always had weak wrists and ankles. Again, when I was younger my ankles would just give out while walking or running. My wrists were so weak that I had to have my Grandma open jars and soda bottles for me.

4.) I was extremely shy that when a teacher would call on me, it would take me about five minutes or more to muster up the courage to talk out loud in class. A lot of times I would just get in trouble for staying quiet.

5.) One of the main nightmares I had when I was little was about candy canes. You know when you close your eyes and you see those colored sparkly dots and shapes etc? Its like colored noise. You know when pictures have noise, it's like a staticky look? Well when you close your eyes you see colored noise in shapes even. Well in my dream, there was that and candy canes. Some candy canes were really fast and some were really slow. For some reason that freaked me out. That was my night terror I had when I was younger. It was reoccurring also. lol

Well, There you go, 5 Things about me that you never knew. lol I'm telling y'all i'm weird. But ya know, weird is fun and interesting!! We should all be weird more often eh? Hope y'all enjoyed reading my post today. :) Would love for y'all to post a loverly comment about yourselves. Ta Ta For Now!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Oh My Feelings!!

Evening Loverlies!! Today has been kind of a poopsy feeling day I will admit. Could be my womanly stuff that happens every month or just my major depression I have. Ya never know these things, ya know. I have felt so discouraged to blog much this week. Quite irritated about it I may add. ARGH!! lol. I see all these loverly bloggers out there that have lives. Ya know children, places, and events they get to go too. For me it's just, try your best to get outside to do anything. I try though, the best I can. Even if it is going to Wal-mart. lol I always read don't compare yourself to others. I am doing my best not too. I just see how care free they look in their pictures and how it just looks so easy to find places and items to blog about. I would love to get to that area in my life, where I am not freakin' out in a store on verge of an anxiety attack.

I'm hopeing someday I will get there though. :) Faith is hard to have sometimes. As long as you try to make effort, that is what counts right? I do enjoy my blog and blogging. I feel it gives me something meaningful that I am putting effort to. You know like something to feel I have a purpose for. That is a good thing, Something productive you feel you have a purpose for in your life. Yet again I remind myself I just need to have faith.

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding

There we go, that's what I need to remember. Already feeling a little bit better to be honest. lol Hope y'all don't mind me spilling my guts a bit. But there you go. You are welcome. *curtseys*

I am curious if any of y'all understand what I'm talking about? Leave me a loverly comment below if you like. ;) I will also leave y'all with a picture of my beautiful boy kitties. (I've posted this before, but I can't get enough of this picture!!) Ta Ta For Now!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Ring Size Are You?

Getting the Right Ring Size when Shopping at Online Jewelry Stores
When shopping for silver jewelry, or any jewelry for that matter, online, you want to be certain that you know what you are getting. This is particularly true when it comes to buying rings. Before you purchase a ring from an online store, you have to know what size you need. While this may seem perfectly easy if you already know your ring size, you have to understand that all countries do not follow the same rules when it comes to ring sizes.

In the United States and Canada for instance, you may wear a size 7. In other countries however, that size may be listed as H ½ or something similar. If you are not familiar with how sizing works in other countries it can be very difficult to know what size you actually need. That beautiful diamond engagement ring that you think is perfect for your beloved may cause you headaches when you try to figure out just what size she will wear.

There is a way to tell what size you need. You can either call up your jeweler and ask to have your finger sized, and be sure to ask how to tell what that size is in other countries, or you can download a ring sizer. offers a downloadable ring size converter that is easy to use and will tell you exactly what size you wear.

The download is quick and easy and you do not actually have to install anything on your computer. You just use the free size converter to determine your size and see what that equates to in countries that do not follow the same size rules that you are used to using. This way, you know that you are getting the right size instantly when you order. If the ring is for yourself, you can enjoy wearing it the day it is delivered. If it is for someone else, you will know that you have chosen the perfect size along with the perfect ring.

When you buy any jewelry online, you have to know that you are getting what you pay for. If you are buying rings without actually knowing what size you need, you are basically throwing away money. There is no way to know for certain that the ring you want will fit unless you know without doubt that you have chosen the correct size. Getting that size is easy when you choose to download the ring size converter or you can always take your chances and hope that the perfect ring you have found will fit.

Think strongly about finding your true ring size before you order rings online. There really is no sense in buying a ring that you can never wear or worse, choosing a beautiful engagement ring for your love that will not fit. If you want to know without a doubt that you are getting the right size, take the time to determine your true size before you buy so there will be no mistakes.

[ Sponsored article written by Jewelist - Brought to you by Fiverr ]

Monday, November 11, 2013

Rose Gold Anyone?

Mawnin' Loverlies!! Is anyone else ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas?? I am excited and nervous to be honest. But I always get anxiety around these times having to go to my families homes. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with them. I just hate being away from my house for periods of time. Would be wonderful if we had a bigger house and folks could come to ours for the holidays. lol Maybe someday!! I am excited to get that Christmas tree up around thanksgiving. I think the Christmas tree is like one of my favorite parts about December. It is so pretty with all the cute little ornaments and the lights. I can just stare at the lights, constantly. lol

Also anxious about trying to get Christmas presents for folks. I find it difficult just trying to figure out what to get each for person. Especially my husband, Maybe because I feel like I have to get the perfect present, that they will love. Silly I guess, but that's my weird OCD kicking in. If you can even call it OCD. I was looking on BrandBacker the other day, (BrandBacker is a site for bloggers to sign up on. There will be brands that post  an item they want bloggers to blog about. In return bloggers will get a sample or paid), Sadly this brand was so popular that they ran out of samples. lol

I wanted to just go ahead and post about it anyways. This lovely brand is called Rakani and guess what they make. Watches!! They have some of the prettiest watches. I am not really a watch wearer, but I wouldn't mind having one of their watches to wear. They look like they are very nice quality and there are good amount of choices to choose from. The watch I would wear is from the Ish collection in Rose Gold /White. I just love Rose Gold, it is very soft on the eyes. This watch is only $170.00. They offer free shipping and returns.  Awesome eh? As soon as I am able to save up I shall purchase this, Or maybe santa claus will read my post and just wrap this up and stick it under my tree eh? lol *crosses fingers* Click this link to go see which watch you love!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Friday, November 08, 2013

Well Hello There!!

Hello Loverlies!! I decided to attempt this link-up called Say Hello that posted on her blog page. :) YAY!! Exciting!! If anyone would like to join in click the link above!! alrighty, here we go!!

1.What is your morning routine? I don't really have anywhere to go to every morning. When I do have to go somewhere and get dressed up and what not. I don't do really too much. I wake up eat breakfast, shower. Sometimes I shower first then eat breakfast. lol I then have to blow dry my hair, which takes like almost an hour it feels like. To be honest I think it takes 30 minutes. Sometimes I just go ahead and put my makeup on before blow drying my hair. I always get really hot blow drying my hair, it's very annoying. If I do anything else to my hair I will straighten it because it is quicker. I also like how my hair is straightened. :) Then I get dressed and walah. I'm ready. It can take up to 2 hrs for me to get ready sadly. I just had to grow out my hair though!! lol I like my hair long.

2.Are you on Instagram? If so what is your username? Who are three of your favorite IGers? Yesh!! I am on Instagram You can find me at EnchantedExcurse. Three of my favorite IGers are Courtney Cook, Audiosoup, and GIGGOO_FON. I like Courtney and Audisoup because of the loverly photography they post. GIGGOO draws the most adorable lil characters I love to look at. :) I recommend following them!!

3.Please tell us 1-3 out of your daily "must read" bloggers. I love to read Ricci, Faith, and the most new I must read, Whitney. They are fun, funny, and eciting to read. :)

4.Tell us a little about you and your family. I have a husband I met in 2007 through a close friend. (she isn't that close anymore) I am very thankful I met my hubby!! We got engaged a month after we started dating. Then at the end of 2007 we got married. lol Yes I understand so quick, but I feel he is the one God wants me to be with for the rest of my life!! We haven't started having children yet because we want to wait for him to be fully out of college. We do have two male kitties that I consider my children. lol Zealand is 8 years old and Granger is 4 years old. I love them so much!! And that's my little family I have. ;)

5.What are your favorite holiday traditions? We haven't really started any traditions for us yet. I believe that will happen when we have children. Like the Elf on the shelf and what not. The traditions we do have are we make sure to have a small thanksgiving meal just me and my hubby. Whenever my brother Ricky can join us we let him come over. Another thing we always put up our Christmas tree around Thanksgiving. But that is pretty much it for traditions. Maybe I should start having a few more though. Traditions are fun around the holidays!!

6.Tell us one random fact about you. Make it fun!! I have a lot of weird stuff I do. lol I will admit I am scared of the dark. When it is time for bed, if I am the one stuck turning off the hallway light because my hubby is in the bedroom already. I usually switch that light off and run to the bedroom. Very silly but true.

Hope y'all enjoyed getting to know me!! Leave me some loverly facts about yourself in the comments if you want!! I Would love to read them. I decided to put a silly picture of me at the end of this post for y'all to giggle at. Ta Ta For Now!!

Now that I look at it again. I'm kinda scary lookin!! LOL Beautiful.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Do You Smell A Rogue?

Afternoon Loverlies!! I am so excited, because today posted a picture of mine for their Wordless Wednesdays. I feel so special!! If you would like to view it click that link I just posted. Their Wordless Wednesdays are about gratitude this month, because of November. I decided to send them one of my deer pictures for the post. My gratitude was "Thankful For God's Beautiful Nature". The title of the picture is "My Deerling". Maybe soon I can figure out how to get a better viewing thingy to put in a page on my blog of photo's I have taken. Yes, that will be on my to do list. lol

Today we went to the library and I checked out a few books I have been wanting to read. Well two of them I have just read. Now I need to see if there are more and find them!! They are awesomely good. They are Witch And Wizard graphic novels by James Patterson. Such an easy read graphic novels are. lol I also like to look at the illustrations. They are very cutesy sometimes. I love it!! Witch And Wizard is basically about the N.O. taking over. It is some kind of government I guess you can say, and the leader is a wizard. But he has all the young Wizards and Witches locked up, killed, and tested on. But of course there are the Allgoods, such a confusing last name, he basically want's their powers. Well that's a little bit of information. I don't like to spoil it!!

One other thing I must share. Remember how I like to get samples of perfumes to try out. Well, guess what? I have actually found one that isn't stinky!! I actually love it. It took me a day to decide it, but YAY!! It is Rihanna's Rogue perfume. It isn't too strong. It actually has a very sweet sent to it. The description on the paper it came on states "Flirty, Sensual, Oriental. A distinct blend of Jasmine, Plum and Patchouli that captures Rihanna's style." YAY!!! A sample that has it's own description of the ingredients for once!! I did not see it on the Killer Queen sample or the Gucci Guilty sample. (which was a very strong smelling perfume sad to say). I believe I would actually pay money for this perfume. It is just that nommy smelling. lol Alrighty enough jabbering for today!! Ta Ta For Now!!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

My Blessings!

Evening Loverlies!! To be honest I didn't really know what to blog about today. But I wanted to make sure I got in a blog post today, since it is the week. I decided to grab my Bible book and noticed my lil birdy book of quotes. I've failed in filling this full. But I still have time eh? lol I decided I would share with y'all a few of my quotes I have in this lil quote book of mine. Some of them are scriptures and a few actually are about blessings. Which is perfect for this month because, this month Thanksgiving happens!!

First off I want to say what blessings I am thankful for. I am thankful for God giving me my husband Codey in my life. We have our ups and downs like any marriage. But he has been the only one that has understood my anxiety and depression, and has been there through it all with me. He is still here sticking through my rough patches with me. And I am very thankful I have him in my life. The second two little things that I am thankful for are my two male kitty cats, Zealand and Granger. They have helped me through a lot also. They are always there when I just need someone to cuddle with. They may not be children to anyone else, but they are my children in my eyes. The third thing I am thankful for are my In laws. Yes, you think what??? In laws are nice!!! Yes, my in laws are my family and are there for me. So I am thankful they are in my life. Fourth thing I am thankful for are my friends that I do have. I only have a few, and most of them are online. But I think of them as my family also. And I am glad they are there for me to talk to when I need help or just the good company. The fifth but not final, thing I am thankful for is that I have God in my life. That I am not where I was a few years ago at least with my anxiety and depression. That I am able to see a bit more clearer and that I am trying to overcome the anxiety and depression. And I probably wouldn't have gotten this far if God wasn't there with me. Alrighty on with the quotes!! Ta Ta For Now!!

"When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place." 
 - C.S. Lewis 

 "A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal." 
- Steve Maraboli, Life, The Truth, and Being Free 

 "Sometimes God makes better choices for us than we could have ever made for ourselves." 
- Jennifer Hudson Taylor, Highland Blessings 

 "God doesn't bless us just to make us happy; He blesses us to make us a blessing."
 - Warren W. Wiersbe 

 "If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer's day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more then the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. In order to complete our amazing life journey successfully, it is vital that we turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, and find the blessing in every curse."
 - Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

This Loverly picture I found on a blog called Three In Three!!
Click this to check it out!!

Monday, November 04, 2013

Adorably Cute Must Haves!!

Afternoon Loverlies!! Today the glue that was on my tooth site and the stitches finally came out. Kinda odd the stitches didn't dissolve. But It felt like a relief. lol Yes I know gross!!! but I'm happy it is starting to heal up. Still hurts a bit but I have pain meds for that, weeee!!! I haven't done much today because of it. Just some laundry is all. I will also be happy once I can sip through a straw. I am cravin' a Chai Frappucino, argh.

I've been messing on Second Life today and just browsing the web whilst talking with some friends. Lazy day it is. ;) It is rainy and actually pretty chilly here where I live at. I hope it starts staying chilly. I am ready for sweater weather, so I can sip some hot cocoa. I decided well let's just share some adorably cute items, that I beleive are a must have!! leave me a loverly thought below on what y'all's must haves are. lol I would greatly appreciate if y'all would follow me on twitter or my Fb page. There are cute little buttons on the top right of my page, click those to find where you can follow me at. :) Ta Ta For Now!!








Saturday, November 02, 2013

Gettin' My Word Searchin' On

Evening Loverlies!! Today was a pretty decent day. My hubby and I went around and looked at Bath and Body Works and Hastings. We also went ahead and did some grocery shopping. I always like to hurry up and get that out of the way. It can be stressful sometimes for me, with all the people and it being crowded. Makes my anxiety go up quite a bit. lol

I had to also stop by Wal-greens and grab my prescriptions. The dentist prescribed me some Percocet (pain pill) and Doxycycline (antibiotics). It sure was expensive though!! I have 60 pills of the antibiotic. Sheesh!! They were like almost $1 per pill. Ridiculous, I Say!! But I guess it's better this much money now then thousands later if I get an infection. I'd rather not be laid up in the hospital with infection in my bone/jaw. So I guess i'll stop complaining about it. lol

While at Hastings I decided to get this HUGE book of word searches. I have been addicted to these lately. They are kinda mind numbing, but yet, they work your mind out. I hope that made sense. I am lovin' it already!! Anyone else love word searches? Just curious. I wish I was good at crosswords, because I so want to do them. Whenever I attempt them I just fail miserably though. lol I need to find like baby crosswords I guess. At least till I can get better at them. ;) Anyways, I will leave you with a picture of my word search book. Ta Ta For Now!!

Cheap eh?  Makes it even more exciting!!